At Pitzer, we aim to streamline the financial aid process. Below are the specific application requirements to apply for grants & scholarships, loans, and work-study. Navigate to the sections below for complete application details and tips to simplify the process. If you have any questions, please reach out!

Prospective Students

Domestic Applicants
  1. CSS Profile (custodial & noncustodial)
  2. FAFSA (available December 1)
  3. Copies of tax documents  – Parent(s)
  4. Copies of tax documents  – Student
DACA/Undocumented Applicants
  1. CSS Profile (custodial & noncustodial)
  2. Dream Act (for CA residents only)
  3. Copies of tax documents  – Parent(s)
  4. Copies of tax documents  – Student
International Applicants
  1. Pitzer International Financial Aid Application (PIFAA)

Current Students

Domestic Students
  1. CSS Profile (custodial & noncustodial)
  2. FAFSA (available December 1)
  3. Copies of tax documents  – Parent(s)
  4. Copies of tax documents  – Student
DACA/Undocumented Students
  1. Dream Act (for CA residents only)
International Students
  1. No Reapplication required


U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to allow Pitzer to determine student eligibility for federal aid and state grants (California residents). The FAFSA is available no later than December 1 of each calendar year.

International and undocumented or AB540 students should not complete the FAFSA. 

Divorced/Separated Parents

Students with divorced/separated only need to report information for one parent on the FAFSA. Report information for the custodial parent, which is the parent that has provided the most financial support to the student in the past 12 months (even if the student does not live with that parent).

FAFSA School Code

The 25-26 FAFSA is now available. Use Pitzer's federal school code: 001172 to ensure we receive your FAFSA! 


Tax Requirements for 25-26

Here’s a simple guide to help you through the process of submitting your 2023 federal tax documents to Pitzer:

Who Needs to Submit Documents

Pitzer requires tax documents from the following individuals:

  • Student (if applicable - not all students have tax documents)
  • Custodial Parent(s)
  • Noncustodial Parent (if parents are divorced/separated)
  • Stepparent (if applicable)
  • Student's spouse (if applicable)
What to Submit

Make sure to include all relevant tax documents, including personal and business tax returns (if applicable). A good rule of thumb: if you sent it to the IRS, we want a copy!

  • 2023 Federal Tax Return: Include Schedules 1-3, Schedules A-F, statements, and worksheets.
  • 2023 W-2(s)
  • 2023 1099(s)
  • 2023 Business Returns: Forms 1065, 1120-S, and 1120.
  • 2023 K-1 Statements: Forms 1065 and 1120-S.
How to Submit Documents

All tax documents must be uploaded directly to College Board’s Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) system. Students will have access to IDOC 2 to 5 days after submitting their CSS Profile application.

Do not email documents containing Personal Identifiable Information (PII) to our office. Any documents emailed to us that contain PII will be deleted and will not be processed.

Prospective Students: Do not upload financial aid documents to your admission applicant status page. Documents submitted this way will not be processed.


All tax documents must be uploaded directly to College Board’s Institutional Documentation Service (IDOC) system. 

Access IDOC

A Few Tips

When completing the Common Application, be sure to answer "yes" to Pitzer’s question asking if you intend to pursue need-based financial aid. We use your response to this question to send email reminders and allocate funds for Pitzer need-based aid.

International Students: If you answer "no" to the financial aid question, you will not be eligible for financial aid during your time at Pitzer.

Domestic Students: If you answer "no," you will not be considered for institutional aid for the first two years. Student and parent loan options may be available to help fund the first two years.

More for Prospective Students

Pitzer offers financial assistance to international students through our merit-based and need-based programs. International applicants interested in need-based financial aid only need to complete the Pitzer International Financial Aid Application (PIFAA). See Applications above for more details.

Merit-Based Aid

All first-year international students who apply for admission are automatically considered for Pitzer’s merit-based Trustee Community Scholarship. This scholarship is not available to international students who apply through the New Resource or Transfer program. This scholarship is $5,000 per year and is available for up to four years of attendance, so long as the student is enrolled at least half-time and meets Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Need-Based Aid

To be considered for need-based financial aid, students must answer “yes” to this question on the Common Application: “Do you intend to pursue need-based financial aid?”

Due to limited financial resources, Pitzer is only able to offer financial aid to a small number of international students. However, if admitted, Pitzer will meet 100% of your demonstrated need with work-study and a Pitzer need-based scholarship. In addition, international students with high financial need will also receive grant assistance to cover the cost of Pitzer’s health insurance.

Financial Aid “No” Policy

International students who are admitted and indicate “no” to the “Do you intend to pursue need-based financial aid?” question on the Common Application are not eligible to apply for financial aid at any time during their enrollment at Pitzer. Thus, we strongly encourage all international students who require financial assistance (even slightly) to indicate “yes” to the financial aid question on the Common Application during the initial admission application process. Visit Policies on our website for more information.